===== Chaos Communication Camp 2023 ===== * emfpholener Anreisetag: Montag für Aufbau * 2023-08-15 bis 2023-08-19 in Mildenberg * [[https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/267114042|Ziegeleipark Mildenberg]] / [[http://bit.ly/virtualCampTour|Virtual Tour]] * [[https://bit.ly/campVonOben|Luftaufnahme]] * [[OSM Karte Dronen-Luftaufnahmen | https://cdn.eventphone.de/maps/ziegeleipark/]] * [[https://map.events.ccc.de/#18.33/53.031667/13.305779 | Camp-Karte]] * [[https://www.eventphone.de|Phone]] * [[https://engelsystem.de/|Engelsystem]] * [[https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q47777714|Wikidata]] * 380€ : Ticket im [[https://tickets.events.ccc.de/camp2023/ | Shop ]] * [[https://tickets.events.ccc.de/camp2023/faq/ | Voucher System FAQ ]] * [[https://md.darmstadt.ccc.de/r3cccamp2023# | Meeting Pad]] === Orga Infos === * [[https://md.darmstadt.ccc.de/r3cccamp2023?view | Meet 2023-07-07]] === Changes to 2019 === https://media.ccc.de/v/eh20-41-howto-cccamp-23 ==== Graz/Austria is going to Camp (our Orga) ==== * todo: Wer Reist Wie Wann An - Tabelle * todo: Liste Was Wie transportiert wird und von Wem * [[https://matrix.to/#/#GCC:matrix.tittelbach.at | MatrixRaum ]] * [[https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/JLM | Schienenbreitenkarte]] === Treffen === === Budget === ==== Who is going ==== ([X] means has ticket) * [x] xro (mit Badge pls) * [X] jue +1 (hat 3 Tickets & 1 Parkplatz übrig) * alexlist * [x] stratos (mit Badge pls) * [x] clara * [X] peterp * [X] mickdermack * [X] av * [X] feedc0de * [X] ernst * [X] yrlf * [X] ka0ra * [X] pablo * [X] Ai * galego * [X] commanderred * [x] gnufox * [X] Lightning5 * chartler * [X] ruru4143 * [X] PublicVoit * [x] mkg20001 * [x] mwalloch * [X] oli * [X] Kai * [X] KFL * [X] gabor * [X] greyhash * [x] greyhashs+1 (already have my own ticket, but would need one for another person person not in r3) * [X] colfenor * [x] woazboat * [x] woazboat+1 * [x] homunkoloss+shaked * [x] [octoprog] * [x] roemchine === State === * Tickets are free for all this year. NO VOUCHERS * Tickets are being sold in 3 batches that open at: * 06. 6. 2023 21.00 CEST (Sold in 10 minutes) * 12. 6. 2023 15:00 CEST * 24. 6. 2023 12:00 CEST ==== Kosten pro Person ==== Nur eine Schätzung Vor dem Camp: * 380 € : Ticket * 32 € + 4,20 € : Badge * 70 € : Village Beitrag * 40€ pro Auto * ?? 100 .. 400 € : Anreise? Während dem Camp: * Swag & Kleidung : ~25 .. 85 € * Mehr Essen: ~20-70 € ?? * Workshop Bauteile ? * Badge Addons * Lasercutting 3D Drucker Beitrag * Tschunk Geld ==== Preparing Stuff for Transport ==== All the stuff that should go to CCCamp needs to be put into the marked Space next to the lasercutter in realraum before !! ____ ___. It shall be labeled with these stickers and contain * Name of Owner * e-mail * phone number * "GOES TO CAMP" --- {{tag>camp ccc travel event}}